Friday, March 21, 2014

Novel Studies, March 24-28

The Giver.  Chapters #12-13
1.     There is much talk of “precision” of language in the novel.  What is missing from the ‘Community’s’ language lessons that would help Jonas in this chapter?
2.     As on page 90, the author often writes phrases like, “she replied automatically” to describe the manner in which people of the “Community” speak.  What message is the author trying to send by using phrases such as this?
3.     Why do you think the “Community” removed the ability to see colour from its people?  What problems could the presence of colour lead to?
4.     How is Jonas’ attitude toward the “Community’s” rules beginning to change?
·      Admonition, occupational, fleeting, relinquished, entirety

 Kicked Out.  Chapter 8.
1.    What did Dime do to make sure she didn’t sleep in and miss school?
2.    Why did Dime think Lena was fighting for Gabe?
3.    How has the way Dime feels about Lena changed?
  • Psyche, entire, imagined, insecure, hostile
My Side of the Mountain.  Pages #85-106
  1. Explain what happens on the first night Sam lights a fire in his tree.
  2. On page 92, why does the author refer to the sun as “cold [and] steely”.
  3. What did Sam do to keep from being seen by hunters?
·         Boldly, scheme, resented, cavort, indignity.

Lord of the Nutcracker Men.  Chpts 11 and 12
  1. What does Aunt Ivy mean when she says, “The war will kill him”?
  2. What do you think the dream that Johnny had about his father and the Sergeant means?
  3. Though he is beginning to learn about the horrors of war, Johnny is still quite naïve.  Find an example of his naïvety in this chapter.
  4. Describe how Johnny’s relationship with his Aunt Ivy has changed since he first arrived in Cliffe.
  • Fancied, quavered, Heroic, bursts, tattered, gait.
  • Petty, heaving, ghastly, dismal, plodded.
The Outsiders.   Chapter 6
  1. How do you think Dally’s parents and childhood have influenced the way he is now?
  2. Why doesn’t Dally want Johnny to turn himself in?
  3. What “other side” of Dally is revealed in this chapter?
  4. What’s your definition of a hero?  Do the three boys prove themselves to be heroes according to your definition?  Explain.
·         Doggedly, bewilderment, pleading, detached, plasma

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