Friday, December 7, 2018

The Outsiders

Chapter 4
  1.  Why was the park a good place for Johnny and Ponyboy to cool off?
  2. What three things did Johnny say they needed to get out of their predicamet?
  3. What did Ponyboy say was the best way to deal with Buck Merril?
  4. What would your advice be to Johnny and Ponyboy if they came to you for help? Explain?
Vocab:  Ruefully, hermit, premonition, unceasingly, finality.

Lord of the Nutcracker Men

Chapters 7 and 8
  1. Do you think Mr. Tuttle knows it was Johnny who ruined his roses?  Explain your opinion.
  2. Johnny’s father uses an analogy to explain how it felt to leave his trench.  What is an analogy?  What analogy does he use?  Why is this analogy effective?
  3. Why is the letter Johnny’s father writes to him in this chapter Johnny’s favourite?  What does this tell you about Johnny’s understanding of the War?
  4. What causes the fight between Sarah and Johnny?  Who do you think is to blame?  Why?
Vocab:  Loath, blight, barren, parapet, kinship

The Giver

Chapters #8-9
  1. Which of the qualities the Chief Elder mentioned do you think will be the most important for Jonas?  Explain.
  2. What do you think the Receiver means when he claims Jonas has, “the Capacity to See Beyond”?
  3. What makes Jonas feel “different” and “separate”?
  4. What name does the community give to the term, bedroom.  Why do you think they call it that instead of bedroom?
 Vocab:  indolence, solemnly, spontaneously, unnerving, anguish.