Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Solution to Q #4

a couple of you have had trouble with Q #4.  here's an explanation:

if the mass weighed 100N in air and then 85N in water, it's % mass in water would be:

[ weight in water / weight in air ] x 100
= [ 85N / 100N ] x 100
= .85 x 100
= 85 %

so the mass only weighs 85% of its initial weight when it's sitting in water.  knowing that %, you could then predict (calculate) how much you would weigh in water if you knew your weight in air, right?

Monday, March 30, 2020

School Message

I have sent a message to all the parents of students in my class.  Thank you to all those who have responded.  I will be in touch either through this blog or by email once more information becomes available.


P. Bowhey.

Friday, March 13, 2020

Extended Break Homework

I don't ever give homework over the holidays, but due to the current circumstances, I've decided to bend my rule a bit.  The class should work on the following, over the course of the next 3 weeks:

Buoyancy Lab #2:  due on the Friday we return
Fluid Review and test:  due/written on the Friday that we return

BNA homework sheet: due on the first day back (Monday)
BNA Test:  written on the Wednesday of the first week back

Independent Novel Study:  8 journal entries and ALL quotes due on the first day back
Independent Essay:  all quotes and thesis due on the first day back
Invention Powerpoint Presentation:  Due Friday of the first week back

I will be checking my email most, if not all, days, so if any questions pop up, don't hesitate to shoot me a message.

Stay safe and healthy.

P. Bowhey.