Thursday, May 17, 2018

Charlie Wilcox

Chapter 11
  1. Charlie’s trip gets off to an auspicious start.  Explain this statement with evidence from the novel.
  2. Charlie talks out loud to himself as he tries to get out of the crate in the ship’s hold.  How does talking to himself help Charlie in this situation?
Chapter 12
  1. What significance do the images in Charlie’s dream have? Why does the image of the floating steel anchor especially disturb him?
  2. Who is most to blame for the situation that Charlie now finds himself in—Clint or Charlie himself?
  • ruckus, stowaway, delirious, battalion, contempt.

The Outsiders Chapter 6

  1. How do you think Dally’s parents and childhood have influenced the way he is now?
  2. Why doesn’t Dally want Johnny to turn himself in?
  3. What’s your definition of a hero?  Do the three boys prove themselves to be heroes according to your definition?  Explain.
  • Doggedly, bewilderment, pleading, detached, plasma

LOTNM Chapters 11/12

  1. Why do you think Johnny has the dream about his father and the Sergeant?
  2. Describe Sarah’s reaction when Johnny is about to ask her to play on his battlefield with his soldiers.  Why does she react the way she does?
  3. Though he is beginning to learn about the horrors of war, Johnny is still quite naïve.  Find an example of his naïvety in this chapter.
  4. Describe how Johnny’s relationship with his Aunt Ivy has changed since he first arrived in Cliffe.
  •  Fancied, quavered, gait, dismal, plodded.

The Giver Chapters 12/13

1.     What do you think is the “something” that Jonas speaks of in this chapter?
2.     There is much talk of “precision” of language in the novel.  What is missing from the ‘Community’s’ language lessons that would help Jonas in this chapter?
3.     Why do you think the “Community” removed the ability to see colour from its people?  What problems could the presence of colour lead to?
5.     How is Jonas’ attitude toward the “Community’s” rules beginning to change?

·      Admonition, occupational, fleeting, relinquished, entirety

Branded Chapter 8/9

  1. What is a fair trade product?
  2. Why is Julia more upset with Ian than Oswald?
  3. What do you think the symbol that Ian sees in the uniform jacket he is about to try on might mean?
  • sarcastically, distract, consult, quotas, initiative.

Thursday, May 3, 2018


Chapters 7 and 8
  1. Do you think Mr. Tuttle knows it was Johnny who ruined his roses?  Explain your opinion.
  2. Johnny’s father uses an analogy to explain how it felt to leave his trench.  What is an analogy?  What analogy does he use?  Why is this analogy effective?
  3. Why is the letter Johnny’s father writes to him in this chapter Johnny’s favourite?  What does this tell you about Johnny’s understanding of the War?
  4. What causes the fight between Sarah and Johnny?  Who do you think is to blame?  Why?
  • Loath, blight, barren, nuisance, kinship.

The Giver

Chapters #8-9
  1. Which of the qualities the Chief Elder mentioned do you think will be the most important for Jonas?  Explain.
  2.  What do you think the Receiver means when he claims Jonas has, “the Capacity to See Beyond”?
  3. What makes Jonas feel “different” and “separate”?
  4. What name does the community give to the term, bedroom.  Why do you think they call it that instead of bedroom?
 ·         Indolence, solemnly, spontaneously, unnerving, anguish.

Charlie Wilcox

Chapter 7
  1. Describe the nightmare that Charlie has while under anaesthetic?  What might it be foreshadowing?
  2. Why does Davy give Charlie his drawing of Mac?
  3. Why do you think Charlie is so surprised that Davy is a good artist?
 Chapter 8
  1. Lucy Wilcox says, “You may be listening, but you’re not hearing.” What is the difference between “listening” and “hearing” here?
  • benevolent, indignation, schooner, auspicious, incandescent


Chapter 5/6
  1. What was ironic about how Ian’s father reacted to the idea of wearing school uniforms?
  2. Why does Ian think he might want to be a lawyer?
  3. How does Julia argue against the idea that school uniforms save money?
  •  Disapproving, opinionated, gestured, objections, orderly.


Chapter 4
  1. Why was the park a good place for Johnny and Ponyboy to cool off?
  2. What did Ponyboy say was the best way to deal with Buck Merril?
  3. What would your advice be to Johnny and Ponyboy if they came to you for help? Explain?
·         Ruefully, hermit, premonition, unceasingly, finality.