Friday, February 7, 2014

"Lord of the Nutcracker Men" Novel Study #1

Chapters 1 and 2.  #2 is the Group Question
  1. What nationality were Johnny’s ‘Nutcracker Men’?  How do you know?
  2. Why were people in Johnny’s neighbourhood disappearing?  Where do you think they were going?
  3. Does Johnny understand what war means?  Explain.
  4. Explain why Johnny’s mother went to the kitchen while she and Johnny were talking about Zepps and fighting.
Define 5 of the following words (as they are used in the novel), indicate the part of speech, and then use each in a full sentence that demonstrates that you understand its meaning.  Be careful of the different parts of speech in your sentences!

  • Bayonett, tanner, puttees, khaki, ‘Tommy’.
  • Lorries, zeppelin, barrister, queuing.

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