Thursday, November 28, 2013

Thursday night's homework

Math:  4.3 # 1 - 4,     Math journal:  10.2,     Language:  inside comic sketched in pencil

Friday, November 22, 2013

Branded Novel Study

Branded.  Chapter 13
  1.  Why were Julia and Oswald expecting at least 23 people to support them in the protest?
  2. Do you think Mr. Roberts earned back the respect Ian had lost for him earlier in the novel?  Explain.
  3. How did Ian know that Mr. Roberts supported the protest that he and Julia had planned?
Define the following words (as they are used in the novel), indicate the part of speech, and then use each in a full sentence that demonstrates that you understand its meaning.
  • Scolded, scrolled, translations, symbol, publish.

Heaven Shop Novel Study

Heaven Shop.  Chapters 19, 20, 21
  1. What name do the children give to their new coffin business? Why?
  2. Binti tells Kwasi that Junie “got lost” along the way. What does she mean by this?
  3. How does Junie show that she has found herself again?
  4. How does Binti react when she sees the photo of herself in the “Youth Times”? Why
Define the following words (as they are used in the novel), indicate the part of speech, and then use each in a full sentence that demonstrates that you understand its meaning.
    • Insisted, fastened, overwhelmed, informal, scampered, infatuation.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Tuesday's Night's Homework

MATH:  Extra Practice 3, #1, 3, 4.     LANGUAGE:  Rough comic book tomorrow,  Invention idea due this Friday.     Don't forget the Science test on Thursday and Math test on Friday.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Monday Night's Homework

Math:  Extra Practice Sheet (front and back),     Language:  Comic rough copy due Wednesday, Novel Study due Thursday,     Science:  Test and Review due Thursday.    

Friday, November 15, 2013

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Business Fair

The date of the business fair has been confirmed:  Wednesday, December 18th, from 10am to 1:40pm.  Mark your calendars!

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Business Fair

Business Fair is approaching.  Start thinking about your idea.  We'll start working on them in class in the next couple of weeks.

Science Test

Science Test next Thursday.  Review due the same day

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Marks Folder

Students will be bringing their marks folder home on Friday.  They should have at least 13 items in it.  Please review and sign each of the grades.  Thanks!

Monday, November 4, 2013

Friday, November 1, 2013

Next week's novel studies

Picture yourself at CCI

The Grade 8's will be visiting CCI on Wednesday of next week (Nov 6th) to observe some elective classes and get more comfortable with the layout of the school.  Students can bring in money for pizza and water, or bring their own lunch.